Online Dating Sites – The Way to Find a Date



In this immediate and constantly connected age of the internet and handheld devices, one would imagine that the place to find love is online through one of the plethoras of online dating sites. Offering a range of promises from instant happiness through unique algorithms that perfectly match profiles and bring people together, what could possibly go wrong?

One of the leading global dating sites claims to match literally millions of profiles daily. In a huge industry worth billions, something must be right here. Online dating agencies are relatively straightforward in their modus operandi and indeed simply follow a business model that was in use pre-internet.

Dating agencies existed and, as with many other industries pre-computer, had manual files and people attempting to match profiles to create that perfect date. What the digital age has brought to this sector is speed and the promise of profile match accuracy. Not surprising with the amount of data that they actually require.

Online Dating Sites – Data Mining?

Just consider for a moment the sheer amount of data that an online dating site wants you to input. It is pretty scary really. They start softly and gently to entice you into their web.

Guys are simply asked to confirm that they are over 18 and are looking for females in their area. Easy. Then add your email address and you think that the fun is about to start. How wrong could you be? This is where the real work starts. Age, even date of birth. Height, weight politely shrouded in portly, stout, or curvy terminology. Fat in reality. Music, movies, foods, profession, income…Just think how valuable this data is to companies in any sector let alone dating sites.

Matching Profiles

Is it really that ‘clever’ to match profiles? Think about it for a second. All girls want a Knight in shining armour to whisk away the little princess. They like fine dining, pub meals, shopping trips, and someone to help take care of their family. Guys want Sunday afternoons with a 4 pack, 2 great football matches, and a full roast dinner before taking their nymphomaniac upstairs for 6 minutes of grunting and then snoring the night away. On reflection, if everyone were honest it would be almost impossible to create any genuine matches.

Girl’s Profiles

Then comes the enchanting part of the process, choosing your date. Needless to say, no picture – no click. But then you find a pretty one that takes your fancy. Be careful how you interpret their descriptions as they are doing all they can (as are you) to make themselves sound simply irresistible. Taken with a pinch of salt, some of their descriptions can be interpreted slightly differently from how they intended.

  • Adventurous type – sex addict maybe? The athletic figure usually means flat-chested but is she going to admit this? 30 something means 41 – but you’re guilty here too.
  • Fun – most likely means annoying, wild types are often alcoholics and love to party.
  • Curvy – a few extra pounds or chunky but funky as the girl usually describes herself.
  • Cuddly – clearly chunk and bubbly.

Likes dining out – the reason she’s lazy and doesn’t cook much so you’re definitely in for a treat when you get home from work, microwave meal it is.

This is why many men are now reverting to booking cheap London escorts is a lot safer and more trustworthy to use the girl profiles from an escort agency than it is a dating website, there are a lot of fake profiles around but when using a service provider like Chicky Escorts you always know the girls will be 100% genuine. Remember the escort industry is a professionally run business, unlike the dating scene where anyone can sign up and pretend to be whoever they want!

So where does this leave you if you were pinning your hopes on finding love online through one of the many dating sites available? Well, some of the bigger ones seem very well-intentioned and proudly boast many millions of profile matches and success stories. The sheer volume of people registered alone means a certain chance of success.

But manage your expectations. If you are lucky enough to engage in an ongoing conversation with the lady of your dreams just remember that one day soon you will likely be meeting. All of that fake elaboration in your personal profile will come home to roost. Perhaps start being honest from day one and try to charm your way through.

Dating sites online are just a digital conduit that brings people together. The traditional rules of dating still apply and faking at stage one inevitably leads to disappointment and failure, unless of course, you are on a crash diet, daily gym sessions, a hair transplant treatment, and changing your car for something that you really can’t afford.

Journo Henry
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