8 Strategies to Improve Your Child’s Reading Comprehension Skills



Every child develops reading skills at their own pace. At first, you should observe their pronunciation and recognition of the alphabet. As they grow up and their ability to read improves, and they develop good reading comprehension skills. Although the best way to improve reading comprehension is with regular practice, we have put together some additional reading strategies. All of these techniques intend to help your child improve their reading skills. Let’s take a look.

1. Reading Aloud 

Hearing themselves say the words out loud improves a child’s ability to understand the words. If your child has problems with pronunciation or speaks too softly, they too can benefit from reading aloud. If you know a child struggling to understand a part of a book or a particular word, make them read that part aloud four or five times. It will help improve the child’s understanding of the book.

2. Provide Books of Their Level

Check with your bookstore or online bookstore to find books on the same level as the child. If you give them too complicated books, they may get disheartened; on the other hand, easy books may make them lose interest soon. If the books are at the right level for the child, they will be able to understand the text well and enjoy the book.

3. Re-Reading Builds Fluency

To encourage quick and smooth reading, a simple strategy is to reread the books they love. It helps the child practice how to decode words. By 3rd grade, your child should be reading 90-words per minute with fluency.

4. Supplement Their Class Reading

If your child had reading comprehension issues, they likely struggle with their class readings as well. Look for easy-to-read books on the same theme just as they read in school to help them understand their class readings.

5. Skim the Headings of the Text

Encourage your child to read the headings of the text that they are about to read. It will give them a high-level overview of what they will read and help them understand the text better.

6. Discuss What Your Child Has Just Read

When your child finishes the reading, talk to them about their homework and ask them what they learned. You can also ask them to write summaries, book reports and make discussion questions to talk to them about their reading for more extended reading materials.

7. Identify Reading Problems Early On

Look for signs in your child’s reading to determine if they have a problem. If your child struggles to read regularly, talk to a developmental pediatrician or a personality development expert to identify the problem. Only then can you take steps to solve the issue.

8. Make a List of Questions

Make a list of any questions you have regarding what you don’t understand. While reading, have your child write notes on what he or she doesn’t understand. Encourage your child to pause and consider what he or she has read when he or she has a question. If your kid still has unanswered questions, have him or her approach the instructor for more assistance.

Reading comprehension is a primary method of learning in the education systems around the world. Therefore, developing good reading skills from a young age is helpful for your child.


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