In this article, we’ll explore different types of book genres that can stir up creative ideas and help you find meaningful inspiration.
Category: Daily Inspiration
A Wake-Up Call for Positivity: The Meaning of Angel Number 888
Angel number 888 has many meanings, but perhaps the most pertinent one to pay attention to in your life is its meaning as a wake-up call for positivity.
Yom Kippur 2021 – A Day To Reflect, Feel Remorse, Forgive, Fast, and Pray
May we all be inscribed in the book of life. Have a meaningful fast.
7 Slingshot Strategies to Do Now to Catapult You Out of Any Global Crisis
It’s a given that negative economic growth is expected globally after COVID 19. Here are some slingshot strategies to catapult you out of any global crisis.
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic – Thoughts and Prayers
Much has happened, many losses, and now with coronavirus, many of us are simply in shock and living a completely different type of lifestyle than we ever thought we’d be living. Thoughts and prayers.
4 Ways to Prepare Your Mind for a Peaceful Meditation Session
Meditation has several benefits, including helping people with stress, anxiety, and depression. Here are some tips to help you prepare for a better session.
5 Uplifting Habits to Include in Your Daily Life
Some great ways to feel good and acquire inner peace on a daily basis.
Choosing Light over Darkness
The choice is simple if you want longterm happiness.
Find Your Zen Zone – A 5-Step Guide to Creating a Personal Sanctuary
Transforming your living room into your personal sanctuary doesn’t have to be difficult. All you need to do is to stick to our five useful tips.
Garden Inspired by Travel
The best thing about travel is that you get to bring a part of it with you. A few elements can be perfectly fitted into your garden.
6 Life Habits That Will Make You Feel More Confident
Some wonderful ways to feel incredible inside and look great.
Easy to Follow Tips for Achieving Body-Mind Balance
Some great ways to feel great and maintain a balanced, healthy life.
How Millennial Women Are Changing the Game
What happens when millennial women step up to the plate.
Dream Big, Don’t Settle, and Go After What You Really Want
Go after the big fish in life and in love.
Improve Your Life – Create the Fire and Determination Within You
Creating a motivated mentality.
8 Ways to Create Inner Peace
Some simple ways to acquire inner peace and improve your life.
Rebalance and Nourish Your Body With This Monday Through Thursday Guide
Some great tips to feel amazing throughout the week.
Five Ways to Improve Happiness
Some great ways to be happy and feel good.
How to Be More Enthusiastic and Successful in Life
Improve your life by making these positive changes.
The Truth About Being Selfless
In reality, when you’re selfless, there really is no short end of the stick.
Daily Motivation – Strive to Live Your Life to the Fullest
Some motivation to brighten your day.
Let’s Choose to Be Happy and Embrace This Beautiful World
Being happy is a decision we must make.
Time to Add Some Zen into Our Daily Lives
Me? The Zen type? No, not really.
Anne Cohen – Los Angeles Blogger Finds Beauty in the Little Things
Here’s my latest photoshoot with a little daily inspiration.
Making Peace – Once and for All
It’s time to make peace with the world.
Good Morning Love
Wake up, smile, and spread that positive energy.
The Detox Diet for the Soul
Choose to be happy.
The Power of Resilience
Have enough inner strength to push forward, to try again, and to keep going.
Is It in the Hands of God or Do We Create Our Own Destiny?
Planning things, and feeling good with your decisions, despite any curve balls along the way.
Creating Happiness in Yourself and in Others
Put some extra effort into being a nicer person.