Falafel on Wheels is a food truck in the Los Angeles area serving the best falafel there is! A definite must have!
Author: Anne Cohen

18 Ways To Know You’re Not Being Appreciated
ighteen ways to know you’re not being appreciated – as you should.

Finally Okay, Without You
A poem by Anne Cohen.

Yom Kippur 2021 – A Day To Reflect, Feel Remorse, Forgive, Fast, and Pray
May we all be inscribed in the book of life. Have a meaningful fast.

How Compatible Are You and Your Partner?
Here are some helpful tips to know just how compatible you are with someone.

5 Reasons He Only Wants You When He Can’t Have You
Here are five of the main reasons why he only wants you when he can’t have you or after you’re already gone.

6 Ways to Give Your New Relationship Your All
Here are six essential things to do to give your new relationship a boost.

Kindness During COVID 19 – Don’t Be a Pandemic Bully
Don’t be a pandemic bully. Show a little kindness and empathy towards others during these challenging times and always.

Stuck at Home? Great Workouts and Fitness Tips to Stay Active and Healthy
Keep things interesting and try new workouts whenever you can. Even if it’s just adding one or two minor changes to your workout routine – do it.

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic – Thoughts and Prayers
Much has happened, many losses, and now with coronavirus, many of us are simply in shock and living a completely different type of lifestyle than we ever thought we’d be living. Thoughts and prayers.

Why Dating Sites Such As MATCH and BUMBLE Are HORRIBLE Options for Singles Looking for Love
Some reasons why these two dating sites are the absolute worst and why you you re-think being on dating sites altogether.

Customized Items to Make Your Medical Practice Stick Out
Some great reasons to customize the medical-related devices that you give to patients.

Choosing Light over Darkness
The choice is simple if you want longterm happiness.

The Mindset of Successful People
A list of what it takes to create a successful mindset.

How to Get What You Want
If you don’t try, you definitely won’t succeed. Here are some success tips to live by.

Calling Him Out on His Shh…
Some of the many reasons why it’s imperative to have great communication and nip things in the bud.

What is ACW?
An informative article about ACW.

When You’re in Competition with Your Partner
Things that happen when you compete with your loved one and why it can be bad.

Dating Someone Who Isn’t Formally Educated
Some great reasons to stop dating someone when they’re not formally educated.

The Pages of Our Book
A poem by Anne Cohen
©2019 All Rights Reserved

Saturday Thoughts and Relationship Advice From Someone Who Loves Maybe a Little Too Much
Some advice about true love, healing, and happiness.

The Power of Date Night
Having a date night at least once a week is imperative if you want to keep the fire alive in your relationship.

Why It’s Good to Be Selfish Once in a While
Do something nice for yourself and feel good.

A Girl and a Boy
A Poem by Anne Cohen.

Spread Love, Kindness, and Stop the Hate
Some important things to remember when it comes to being kind.

Relationships, and Taking the Next Step
Some important things to know when you want to move forward with your partner.

When You Date Someone Who Is Completely Wrong for You
Stop investing your time, energy, and love into the wrong person.

Why You Should Be Authentic and Show Your Emotional Side
Be yourself. There’s only one of you.

Is the Kiss Important? 10 Reasons She Didn’t Kiss You on a First Date
Here’s why she didn’t kiss you.

Ghosting and Going Back for Seconds
When people you date do the disappearing act, and suddenly want you back.