Ways To Remain a Part of Your Child’s Life After Divorce



If you are the parent that does not have custody of your child, then you may not be able to see them every day. You may also find it difficult to bond with your child as a result. The good news is that there are things that you can do in order to remain a part of your child’s life.

Pursue Your Kids

Even if your ex is making it difficult for you to see your kids, you should still pursue them. If you cannot see your kids, there are still ways that you can stay connected with them. For example, you can write them letters, facetime with them, or send them text messages. You should also ask them to send you pictures of events that they attend or are a part of. It is a good idea to hire a child custody lawyer if your ex will not let you see your kids.

Make the Most Out of Your Time

You may not get a lot of time with your kids, but you can still make the most out of what time you do have. Many parents who only get limited amounts of time feel the need to plan a bunch of activities. However, you do not necessarily have to do that. Just focus on doing a few things that you and your children will enjoy. As long as they’re enjoying the time they do spend with you, that will be what they care about.

Make Them Feel at Home

Your home may feel like a strange place to your child. That is why you should do everything that you can to make your house feel like their home too. For example, you can allow them to have a say in how their bedroom is decorated. From the furniture to the wall colors, they get to choose.

You can also work to surround them with familiar objects to help them grow comfortable in the new environment. Whether that be identifying objects that live in a bag that travels from house to house or finding copies of those familiar objects. Either way, this can be a step in helping your child feel more comfortable.

Try to Stay Close

It will be easier for your child to adjust to not having you at home every night if they still live close to you. This will also make it easier for you to actively be involved in their lives. By staying close, you’ll be able to pick them up from school and go to their events. You can also take them to their medical checkups or necessary appointments.

Being away from your children is one of the things that can make getting a divorce difficult. Fortunately, you can make it easier by reaching out to them as much as possible. Making the most out of the time you do share with them, and helping them to feel at home with you can make all the difference when trying to stay a part of their lives.


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