10 Relationship Problems and How to Solve Them



If you’ve been romantically involved with someone for a while, you’re bound to run into some problems at some point. It’s not a matter of being pessimistic, but of acknowledging how conflict is guaranteed to arise in some form due to human nature. Should your relationship hit a rough patch, you don’t need to panic or end it – instead, you can address it head-on to hopefully emerge stronger than before.

Here are ten common relationship problems and how to solve them:

1. Lack of Conversation

It is nice to become comfortable enough around your partner that the two of you can be completely silent in a room together and still feel at ease. However, if your relationship has devolved to being completely silent aside from a few random acknowledgments, you have a serious problem. Ease yourself back into spirited conversation gradually by having a nightly conversation that you incrementally increase the length of. Communication is key to a healthy relationship.

2. Manners Going Downhill

A long-term relationship can make our sense of etiquette take a turn. You don’t have to be chewing with your mouth open and popping pimples to demonstrate this. It could be a matter of speaking less articulately or not properly thanking your partner for doing something nice. If you realize you’ve let some bad habits sneak into your relationship, be mindful of them and try to stop. If your partner has habits that annoy you, tactfully let them know to avoid hurting their feelings.

3. Loss of Intimacy

Part of the joy of a great relationship is how close it brings you to a person, both physically and emotionally. If you’re losing that sense of closeness, it can easily make you think twice about your relationship. Find a moment when you and your partner can spend time together in a way that’s truly meaningful. It could be a shared activity or an engaging conversation. All that matters is that you’re able to focus on one another.

4. Hurt Feelings

Even if you and your partner love each other, you’re bound to get on each other’s nerves once in a while. That can occasionally manifest itself in hurt feelings, as offhand remarks become unintentionally cutting. When you lose sight of stress management, it can be easy to become short tempered. If you say something to offend your partner, don’t try to deflect blame – apologize sincerely. If your partner says something that offends you, let them know why it offends you and accept their apology if they offer it.

5. Boredom

Once you’re settled in a relationship, it can soon start to feel like a routine. You get to know your partner’s responses to daily questions and soon enough, every day feels like the one that came before it. Lack of energy and motivation can also affect relationships. The key here is to change things up. Find new recipes to make together, rearrange your furniture, go on a trip to a place you’ve never been. Changes in routine are something you owe not only to your partner but to yourself as well.

6. Temptation

A relationship is a commitment. If you’ve made a commitment to a single person, you should follow through on it for the duration of your relationship. Should things be going south, like, in the above-mentioned items, you might be viewing other people with a closer eye and feel the desire to carry out a fling (or more) behind your partner’s back. Understand that doing this will only result in hurting multiple people. Instead, focus your energy on being the best possible partner you can be. Try switching things up, and let your partner know if something in your relationship is lacking.

7. Too Many Disagreements

You aren’t going to see eye-to-eye with your partner on everything. While some disagreements are less important than others (such as what movie to see versus whether to move in together), it can feel distancing if you’re seemingly never in agreement. Look to strike a balance between your needs and your partner’s. If there’s something neither of you will budge on, then you each need to make a strong argument for your case. But, sometimes it is all about choosing your battles carefully. Try to avoid heightened arguments over the petty things.

8. Poor Communication

Good relationships form through good communication
. However, they can be undone by bad communication. What often happens is that people take their partners for granted and believe that they should understand everything they’re thinking and feeling. Talk to your partner about your feelings on a regular basis, and encourage them to do the same. It doesn’t even have to be exclusively about your relationship. If you’re communicating about your thoughts on the various aspects of your life, you’ll foster a stronger bond.

9. Background Differences

They say opposite attracts, but opposites can also detract if you’re not careful. We all have certain thought patterns and beliefs that have been ingrained in us for as long as we can remember. If your partner doesn’t agree with these core values, it can be difficult to have a successful relationship. Discuss these differences with your partner and avoid judging their responses. Even if you can’t necessarily agree with them, you can learn from each other.

10. Uncertainty About the Future

A long-term relationship can be a sigh of relief as it may make you feel free from the burden and stress of dating. However, it can also spell uncertainty. As you get closer to someone, your mind or your conversations may drift to thinking about future plans. Will you move in together? Get married? Start a family? If one of you is sure about all the answers, but the other one isn’t, it can cause problems. The best thing to do is to speak with your partner about any anxieties you have and encourage them to do the same.


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