4 Areas of Your Resume You Should Perfect Before Submitting Job Applications



Your resume is the only way to introduce yourself to prospective employers. None of them know you and the resume becomes the only channel by which they can assess you for interview eligibility. It describes whether you are fit to be hired for the role and provides a detailed account of how well you would fit the position they are looking to fill. It is therefore important that all details in it be accurate, thorough, easy to read, and well put together. At times, what you may need if your resume keeps failing to catch the hiring manager’s attention is some professional assistance in creating a better one.

1. Personal Information

The first piece of information on your resume is your name, current address, email, and phone number. Your prospective employer should immediately have a way of contacting you if they deem it necessary. 

Ensure these are clear and current. Utilize a resume builder to optimize personal information details best.

2. Statement of Objective

A simple single line stating which specific position the resume has been submitted for. This is important because employers know that many job seekers create a copy and paste resume which they can end in when applying for any job.

This simple statement informs your prospective employer that you curated this particular resume for the position they advertised which tells them that you took time to tailor the resume for this job. This is likely going to encourage them to take a closer look at your resume.

3. Education and Expertise

Ensure that you include all information regarding your education but in a short sharp precise paragraph. Start with the highest level of education to the lowest. It is unnecessary to include any educational background below high school so feel free to leave that out. 

A paragraph for each institution is sufficient. This section determines whether you are qualified for the job, to begin with.

At the very least it states whether you have the training necessary for the job and in many cases today it determines that you are educated and therefore a capable employee even if your training is not targeted towards the specific job you are applying for.

4. Work Experience

This is possibly the most important portion of your resume and should preferably be tailored to each job application to reflect relevance. In order to get the most out of this section, configure the very first entry to match the requirements of the job you are applying for. 

Hiring managers skim rather than read the details of a resume but if there is a section that will hold their attention for a while it will be what you have done that makes you the easiest most convenient hire. 

Take some time to improve every section and tailor your resume to the job description of the position you want to get hired for. Keep your resume brief yet thorough. 


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