Many people love the holiday season and cannot wait to finally hang up their Christmas lights and put on their favorite holiday tunes. There are also many people who are not such big fans of this last portion of the year. It is no wonder since the holiday season can indeed get stressful. Amidst the myriad of tasks that you need to get done before the year ends, there is sometimes little time left to actually enjoy. To be able to welcome the New Year in our best possible headspace, we really need to put our pending tasks aside and just unwind and do nothing. Here are a few ways in which you can indulge yourself during the holidays because all of us need and deserve it.
1. Sleep
Sleep is a priority, yet it often takes the backseat when our days are hectic. So, the first thing you should do to pamper yourself during the holidays is getting a good night’s sleep. Forget about the alarm clock, those chores can wait for a few hours while you finally get that well-deserved sleep. Waking up well-rested and without the sound of annoying beeping will put you in a good mood immediately. You’ll be able to enjoy the rest of the day to the fullest. And when the Christmas preparations get particularly tiring, who says you cannot take a nap in the afternoon.
2. Put Your Phone Aside
Today our phones take away so much time from us. Whether that would be through constant notifications or through the endless social media feeds that keep tempting us. You might not notice, but this actually stresses us out. If you want to de-stress during the holidays, try to put your phone aside and cut back on your social media time. It will allow your brain to take a rest and you can use that time for so many more rewarding activities!
3. Enjoy a Relaxing Hobby
We always say we have no time for hobbies, but having a hobby is important for you to stay creative and feel fulfilled. The holidays are a great time to get back to some of your old hobbies that you have abandoned due to lack of time. You will see just how much fun it is to try crafting or painting again. Practically any hobby will do; you can even knit, try pottery or make handmade Christmas cards – in either case, you’ll have something nice in the end. You will also notice how your creative juices are starting to flow again and might get inspired to do even more.
4. Have a Spa Day
Our body also deserves a bit of pampering, so having a relaxing spa day during holidays is a great idea. You can start by getting a few new bath products that you’ve always wanted to try. Fragrant bath salts and oils will make you feel like you’re in a real spa. Throw in a few scented candles and put on your favorite music and the mood will be all set. You can start by taking a hot bath that will relax your whole body. After that, you can pamper your skin with all the best lotions you have on hand. You will feel rejuvenated, beautiful and all ready for the holidays. The only thing to compliment this spa day would be getting a relaxing massage. You can always go to a professional parlor but you can also search for luxury massage chairs and opt for the one you’ll enjoy in the comfort of your home.
5. Bake
The holiday season is the time for enjoying baked goods such as delicious cookies and other treats. So, why not try to make your own festive treats? The process of baking can be a lot of fun. You could try your hands at it by yourself or you can have a few helpers to share the tasks with. And the results are ever so satisfying as you will get to enjoy cookies made by yourself or share them with the people you love. Even if you consider yourself a complete beginner, you can find easy and checked recipes. So, why not try to make something and indulge in the results.
6. Stay Mindful
It can happen that you are constantly surrounded by people and have little time to just breathe and clear your mind. However, staying mindful is important as it will allow your thoughts to remain positive. You can get outside and take a walk in nature to relieve stress and just let your mind calm down thanks to the power of Mother Nature. Another option is to dedicate a few minutes each morning or evening to meditation. Just close the door to all noises, shut your eyes and breathe while focusing on the “now.”
7. Pick Up a Book
When was the last time you indulged in a book? It might be time to finally pick up a book again and transport yourself into a different world for a short while. Don’t feel pressured about it: no one says you must pick up a world-renowned classic for it to be worth your while. Any book is fine, even chick-lit if that is what you enjoy. After all, when should you indulge in your guilty pleasures if not during the holiday season.
8. Get in Touch With Your Friends
Our busy lifestyles often prevent us from seeing our friends as often as we would like to. During this holiday season, make sure you get in touch with your friends and spend some time together, sharing stories while getting plenty of laughs. This will be your favorite part of the holidays.
9. Redecorate Your Room
If you suddenly feel creative and inspired, you can use the holiday season to redecorate a part of your home. You might get inspired to declutter or reorganize your things – and trust us, it can be very satisfying. Or you might feel like the current look of your room is so boring that you need to change it. Reorganizing the furniture and getting a few new accessories such as pillows will make the space warm and inviting. Also, you’ll enjoy spending time in your newly decorated room, even after the holidays are over.
10. Watch Your Favorite Movie
Finally, what is more self-indulgent than watching your favorite movie? If that’s what makes you happy, there is nothing standing in your way! You can watch your favorite classics with your friends or family, or you can dedicate some time to yourself.
Instead of stressing about whether everything is perfect, you should dedicate some time to yourself. During this time of the year, you should indulge in the things that you enjoy. You will go back to work well-rested and filled with inspiration!
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