6 Kinds of Vehicular Accidents and What To Do if You’re in One



Vehicular accidents are one of the leading causes of injury and death worldwide. Being involved in a car accident can be a traumatic experience, physically and emotionally. This article will discuss six kinds of vehicular accidents and the actions you can take if you ever find yourself in one.

1. Rear-End Collisions

These occur when one car hits the back of another car. These are the most common types of car accidents, often caused by tailgating, running a red light or stop sign, or distracted driving. If you’re involved in a rear-end collision, first check to see if anyone is injured and then call for help if needed. Document the accident with photos and information about all drivers involved. Common causes for rear-end collisions are tailgating or distracted driving. If you find yourself in one, make sure to check yourself and your passengers for injuries. Then, move your car to a safe location, take pictures of the damage, and exchange information with the other driver.

2. T-Bone Accidents

These happen when a car is hit on its side by another vehicle. T-bone accidents are commonly caused by running red lights, stop signs, or failing to yield the right of way. If you’re in a T-bone accident, call 911 immediately and wait for the authorities to arrive. Check yourself and your passengers for injuries, get car accident injury treatment if necessary, and try to avoid moving too much in case you have a neck or spinal cord injury.

3. Head-On Collisions

These occur when two vehicles collide head-on, often because one driver crosses into the other driver’s lane. Head-on collisions are typically the most severe type of accident, resulting in serious injuries or even death. If you’re in a head-on collision, call 911 right away, stay in your car unless it’s on fire, and wait for help to arrive.

4. Side-Swipe Accidents 

These happen when two vehicles driving parallel to each other collide, either on the side of one car or both cars. Side-swipe accidents can be caused by improper lane changes, changing lanes without signaling, or distracted driving. If you’re in a side-swipe accident, call 911 and check yourself and your passengers for injuries. Exchange information with the other driver and take pictures of the damage to both vehicles. Side-swipe accidents can occur in heavy traffic or when overtaking another car. If you’re in a side-swipe accident, don’t panic. Pull over to the side when it’s safe to do so and exchange information with the other driver.

5. Pedestrian Accidents 

These occur when a car hits a pedestrian. Pedestrian accidents can be caused by speeding, running red lights or stop signs, distracted driving, or failing to yield the right-of-way. If you are involved in a pedestrian accident, remain at the scene until help arrives and follow all instructions from responding officers. Pedestrian accidents often happen in crosswalks or when a driver fails to see a pedestrian crossing. If you’re the driver involved, stop and call 911 immediately. Check the pedestrian for injuries and provide first aid if it’s safe to do so. Cooperate with the authorities when they arrive.

6. Hit-and-Run Accidents

These happen when a driver hits another car, pedestrian, or property and flees the scene. Hit-and-run accidents are crimes and can result in legal consequences. If you’re in a hit-and-run accident, call 911 immediately and provide as much information as possible about the other car that you can, including the license plate number, make, and model.

Vehicular accidents are a reality, and they can happen to anyone at any time. Knowing what to do in the event of an accident, no matter how small or significant, can save lives and prevent further harm. Remember to stay alert while driving, follow traffic laws, and drive defensively to prevent accidents. If you’re ever involved in a car accident, remember to check yourself and your passengers for injuries, call 911, and cooperate with the authorities. Stay safe on the road.


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