If your child is about to start school, it’s important to make sure that they are in optimal health. There are certain health examinations that every child should receive before they go to school, and scheduling your son or daughter for these screenings can help them stay safe and on track with their learning.
Your child may be required by law to receive certain vaccinations before they’re allowed to attend school. These vaccines, which are usually administered by injection, can decrease your child’s chances of catching certain illnesses and diseases and protect other children against communicable infections. Your son or daughter may have received some of these vaccines at an earlier age and may not require additional dosages, but a doctor can check your child’s immunization record and administer any needed vaccines to protect against conditions, such as:
- Measles, mumps, and rubella
- Pneumococcal disease
- Hepatitis A and B
- Chickenpox
- Tetanus
- Polio
Your child’s dental health is as important as other aspects of their physical health, so you shouldn’t hesitate to schedule an appointment with a dentist before school begins. During the appointment at your dental service provider in your area, your child can have their teeth cleaned and examined to see if cavities or other tooth problems have developed. The dentist can also check the health of your child’s gums and other oral tissues. If any problems are found, the dentist can recommend and perform treatments to resolve dental issues that could lead to pain, infections, and other problems that may interfere with your child’s learning in school.
Vision problems can make learning more complex, and your child might have problems reading and paying attention in class if they can’t see properly. Blurry vision can also cause your child to develop headaches that may also interfere with schoolwork. A vision exam can determine if your son or daughter needs reading glasses or contact lenses to correct vision difficulties. An eye doctor can also examine your child’s eyes to see if there are any diseases or other conditions that need to be treated.
An inability to hear clearly can make listening to lessons nearly impossible for your child, and any hearing problems can be diagnosed with a hearing exam. During the exam, hearing tests that involve having your child listen to certain sounds at different noise levels to determine their level of hearing can be performed. If hearing problems are discovered during the exam, hearing aids or other corrective devices will likely be recommended.
If you want your child to succeed academically and enjoy their school years to the fullest, these screenings should be prioritized before their first day in class. Specialists in certain fields can examine your child thoroughly and do the necessary testing to diagnose and treat any conditions accurately.
Brooke Chaplan is a freelance writer and blogger. She lives and works out of her home in Los Lunas, New Mexico. She recommends checking out Rabel Family Dentistry for checkup options that can be performed on your child. For more information contact Brooke via Twitter @BrookeChaplan.
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