How To Stop Unwanted Spam Calls



Every day, thousands of people find themselves on the receiving end of a telemarketer’s call. Whether it’s a salesperson, charity fundraiser, or pollster, these automated calls are not appreciated by anyone. However, with a little know-how and some quick actions, you can get stop them for good. Telemarketers can be a nuisance. If you’re like most people, you hate these calls because you find them intrusive or they interrupt your daily life. Here are a few ways to stop the calls from coming in, as well as how to report them if they do.

Send it to Voicemail

Stopping unwanted spam calls is as simple as not answering them. When you don’t recognize a number, let it go to voicemail. If telemarketers think there is a live person on the other end, they usually leave a message. Another way to stop these calls is to use caller ID blocking services. The service will block numbers that are known to be from telemarketers. Most popular cell providers have an automatic service that you can activate for free. Some phones even have the ability to automatically decline calls from unknown numbers that aren’t saved in your contacts.

Additionally, some of the telemarketers’ automatic call systems take note when they know your number is still active. Ignoring the call altogether can sometimes get you off of their list. 

Just Hang Up

You should hang up if you answer a spam call. Do not engage the caller in conversation. Telemarketers are trained to keep you on the phone if possible. If you stay on the line, they will keep talking to you. The best thing to do is to hang up.

Take Legal Action

It is required that a person consent to receive certain types of telephone calls under the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA). You have the right to request that companies, such as debt collectors, stop contacting you. Law professionals like those at Heidiarpour Law Firm can help you take legal action if necessary. Lawyers like this offer litigation services to victims of cell phone harassment by businesses, such as creditors, banks, and others. Be sure to research law firms in your area and inquire about what specific services they provide.

Report the Caller to the FTC

If you receive a lot of spam calls, you can file a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). The FTC uses these complaints to investigate companies that might be breaking the law. It is fairly easy to file a complaint online through their official website. You can also reach out to their hotline if you aren’t computer savvy.

You don’t have to deal with unwanted calls – you can stop them. Be aware of what you can do to protect yourself from spam calls, and don’t be afraid to act if the calls become too frequent. Even though telemarketers are annoying, you do not have to deal with them if you don’t want to. These tips can help you to rid yourself of the inconvenience and give you the peace you’ve always wanted.


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