Things You Can Do to Raise Breast Cancer Awareness



Every October you can see pink all around you. Men, women and even children wear it in support of all those who have ever been diagnosed with breast cancer. There will be pink in most public places, on covers of magazines and even sports fields. The goal is to raise awareness of this disease and encourage people to get tested more often, since catching the disease early enough improves the chances of healing greatly. However, raising breast cancer awareness isn’t something one should only do in October, but all year long. And if you’re interested in contributing to this movement, here are some of the things you can do.

Talk About It

When in company with women over the age of 40 and men around the age of 60, encourage them to visit their doctor. They should talk about the risk of breast cancer and when it would be a good idea to begin getting mammograms regularly, as well as how often they should do it in order to stay safe. In case you know some of your friends’ close relatives have been diagnosed with breast cancer, it’s essential that they get screened as soon as possible.

Bear in mind that it’s actually the men who usually get tested much later than women, mostly because some of them think that this is a solely female disease, but also because they don’t suspect that they could already have breast cancer. If your friends don’t sound interested or if they don’t feel comfortable about getting tested alone, suggest that you go with them as support. It cannot be stressed enough how much it means to catch breast cancer in its earliest stages, so be persistent and feel free to talk about it. 

Use Social Networks

People often neglect their health and don’t visit their doctor frequently enough because they aren’t informed about all the dangers they could be facing. This is why you should use your social network accounts to spread breast cancer awareness and perhaps you’ll inspire some of your friends to look up things that they should know online. This is one of the easiest ways to act since you don’t even have to leave your home to do it while having your phone or tablet with you allows you to go online and post from anywhere. So, tweet about it, change your Facebook status or update profile picture to include one of the many images dedicated to breast cancer awareness you can find on the web.

Organize a Fundraiser

You can do this in person or online. There are some good internet platforms dedicated to raising money for any cause, so take advantage of them and collect money for a cancer research organization. You can also raise money for a specific person with breast cancer by starting a crowdfunding campaign to help them.

The third option is to spend the money you collect on further raising awareness. For instance, you can invest in some great promotional items, such as pens, notepads or umbrellas with the pink ribbon and then hand them out to people. Use your social networks and your real-life friends to spread the word about your fundraiser, so that you collect as much money as possible. You can also personally participate in a charity walk, or join an organization which is invested in helping people with breast cancer and volunteer at their fundraiser.

Go Pink

Pink is the official breast cancer awareness color, so wear pink clothes, or at least a ribbon around your arm to show your support for breast cancer patients. Ask your closest friends and family members to do the same, since the more people are involved, the more awareness you can raise. You can get shirts, hats and other accessories with the pink ribbon, but make sure you buy them from a company which will donate at least a part of their earnings to breast cancer research.

You can also put a pink ribbon or at least a pink ribbon sticker on your car, bike or scooter. And, the most important thing, do some research and get as much data as you can about breast cancer so that you can tell people what the pink ribbon stands for and educate them to some extent about this disease, the importance of regular screenings and ways they can perform self-checks at home. Also, while you’re all dressed in pink or with a pink ribbon, take some selfies and upload them online via your social network accounts, with an appropriate tag.

There’s never too much you can do to help raise breast cancer awareness. So, start today and do your best to contribute to better knowledge about everything breast-cancer related.

Diana Smith

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