How to Most Efficiently Organize an Estate Sale After a Loved One’s Death



Even if you plan on keeping some of your loved one’s possession after they pass away, they could still have a huge number of belongings that need to get sold. Here is a quick glimpse at some simple tips that will help you carry out a quick and efficient estate sale.

Start Taking Inventory

You might work with a company that specializes in
estate sales later on, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t take inventory on your own. After your loved one passes, you and a few other trusted family members can go through all of their belongings. Together, use this time just to get an idea if an estate sale is going to be worth it. You should also spend a little bit of time going through all of your loved one’s financial accounts. This is so that you know exactly what assets they have as well as what debts they might have.

After you’ve received a rough estimate, an estate sales company can come through and give you a more specific idea of what to expect. It might be that they surprise you by pointing out items you and your family had originally undervalued.

Determine What Is Going to Be Kept

When the beneficiaries are on the same page, then going through your loved one’s possessions shouldn’t be a problem. Before you go through with the estate sale, decide which family members and friends are going to receive different items. Unfortunately, there could be some disputes. If there are, you might need to contact a lawyer who can help everyone come up with an amicable solution.

Contact an Attorney if Necessary

Your loved one might have spent quite a bit of time planning out their estate and drafting a will. However, that doesn’t mean this process is going to go smoothly. It’s a stressful time, and family members and loved ones could quickly begin to argue with one another. Potentially, that will lead to some serious legal troubles that could hold up the estate sale. Your attorney can carefully go over every line in the will and figure out where the items are going to go if there are any disputes.

Work With an Estate Sale Company

A company that specializes in estate sales could make your life much less stressful in the coming weeks. They will be able to organize all of the possessions, assess the value of each item, and then help you advertise the sale. They will also stage the home so that all of the possessions inside it are as enticing as possible. As it’s such a stressful time, you should avoid what stress you can, and hiring an estate sale company can help you delegate this very stressful task.

After the estate sale is over and you’ve sold enough, then you might want to talk to your lawyer again. A legal professional can help you pay off your loved one’s old debts, pay taxes, and then transfer the remaining money to all of the beneficiaries.


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