Installation of Down Under Trampolines



An in-ground trampoline has a number of advantages, the most notable of which is that it has a more visually pleasing appearance than an above-ground trampoline. When you put a trampoline in the ground, it blends in with the rest of your yard. However, while it may appear that trampolines are safer because they’re not as high off the ground, the same safety procedures must be followed to keep your children safe when using them.

Installing An Underground Trampoline: A Step-By-Step Guide

There are numerous advantages to having a down under trampoline. For starters, it is far safer than a standard trampoline. When it comes to slipping off or coming too close to the edge, height can be a huge problem, but an underground trampoline provides a safer landing every time.

If you follow a few simple steps, you can set up your own under-down trampoline in no time.

1. Get Your Trampoline

To begin, make sure your trampoline is designed specifically for use in a trampoline pit. Using a standard trampoline in a pit can be harmful. There are various varieties of down under trampolines available. Not only in terms of shape (round and rectangle are the most common) but also in terms of overall appearance and how they function as an underground trampoline system.

2. Choosing the Best Location in Your Yard

Consider where you’ll put your trampoline as one of the most significant concerns. The space should be level, free of low-hanging trees, and well-drained. There should also be no gas pipes or other utility services in the area.

3. Determine the Size of the Area

Turn the trampoline frame over in the exact area you want it to sit and draw it onto the ground with paint to acquire an extremely accurate measurement. Then take your trampoline and move it as far away from the construction site as possible.

4. Make a Hole in the Ground

It’s time to dig your hole, assuming you’ve already called 811 and are certain the region is safe to excavate. Make sure it has the right diameter and depth for your trampoline. Using a shovel may be impractical depending on the size of the hole. If you have enough space in your yard, it might be easier to hire a backhoe to dig the hole out.

5. Create a Retaining Wall

While some individuals prefer to lay a permanent concrete retaining wall, many underground trampoline kits include a non-permanent retaining wall that is easier to install and remove.

6. Make a Drainage Plan

When you’re constructing a retaining wall, remember to consider drainage. Water can cause damage and rust if it pools under the trampoline or in the pit. Laying down perforated drainage pipes to move water away from the pit is one of the simplest things to accomplish. Drain the water into a storm drain or gutter if possible.

7. Putting the Trampoline Mat on the Trampoline

You may now secure the mat to the trampoline’s frame and the spring cover to the springs. If you want to be extra safe, you can now build safety netting or cover the surrounding ground with a soft surface.

For your safety, make sure to follow all of the manufacturer’s assembly trampoline instructions while completing a down under trampoline DIY installation. Purchase an under-down trampoline kit if at all possible for the greatest and safest results.

Safety and Maintenance Tips for Trampolines

Safety is critical, as it is with all trampolines. Here are some crucial safety and maintenance tips to keep your children safe:

  • Always inspect your trampoline for any damage and make sure it’s in good functioning order before allowing your youngster to use it.
  • When your trampoline is not in use, cover it with a weather cover to protect it from the elements.
  • Make sure the trampoline and the space around it are clear of hazards such as toys, sharp objects, trees, and overhead wires.
  • It is critical that children are always supervised while jumping, regardless of how safe your trampoline is.
  • Jumping on a trampoline is best done with bare feet. They aid in preventing sliding by providing grip.
  • On any trampoline, jumping in the center is always the safest area to jump.

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