Six Sanity Saving Tips When Living Alone for the First Time



Getting out on your own for the first time can be an exciting proposition. The extra privacy and freedom that comes from living alone and not having to deal with family members or put up with roommates can be a powerful lure. Knowing what to expect and learning how to best manage your new living situation can help to ensure that you are able to make the most of your new situation.

1. Allow Time to Adjust

Living alone for the first time can be a little disorientating. Not having someone at home to talk and socialize with may find you start to feel lonely, especially if a crowded household is all you have known. The adjustment can take time and you would do well to remember that finding the right rhythm and routine may take a few weeks or even a few months.

All the quirks of having loud younger siblings around you that you wanted to run away from may be missed when you are alone in your thoughts. If you are not used to spending time with yourself remind yourself that it’s a transitional period. Try having the TV or YouTube on in the background if you want some company at first.

2. Make the Space Your Own

The chance to choose a new layout and to decorate the space without having to accommodate for the tastes of others is one of the greatest benefits to being on your own. It may be a good idea to seek help from moving companies as there may be no one else to help assist you when moving or redecorating. Trying to move by yourself may not be feasible.

If you have friends in the area then hire movers for big furniture, and have a pizza party to have friends haul small things that fit in your car like clothing and decorations. Creating the perfect space makes it much easier to fully enjoy living alone. Don’t live in a stale empty apartment. Thrift, upcycle, DIY, and make your home a place you feel safe from the outside world.

3. Meet the Neighbors

While your new household may be quiet, the neighborhood does not have to be. Meeting the neighbors can provide you with some much-needed social opportunities that are closer to home. Knowing the neighbors can also come in handy in more situations than you might imagine.

4. Cleanliness Counts

With no one else to complain, the temptation to give up on housekeeping can be strong. A messy house is rarely a comfortable environment and efforts spent to clean up can often be well spent. It is important to remember that, as long as it is just you, keeping the place clean may prove to be far easier than situations where you had to share space with others.

5. Avoid Spending Too Much Time at Home

Getting out of the house more is another tip that can help keep loneliness from becoming a problem. No matter how comfortable your home is, there are only so many opportunities that can be found there. Making it a habit to get out more makes coming home all the more enjoyable.

6. Remember to Have Fun

Living alone presents many unique circumstances and opportunities. Getting the most out of the experience can create memories that will last a lifetime. Finding new ways to have fun when living alone is all part of the adventure.


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