5 Most Important Lessons for Millennial Female Entrepreneurs



Being a female entrepreneur is far from easy. In fact, it’s easy to imagine a scenario where people have a presumption about your ability, devotion to the company and overall capabilities based on your gender. It’s even worse for millennial female entrepreneurs, due to the fact that, aside from all the above-mentioned, you also get to deal with those who demonstrate the lack of trust in your abilities based on your age. While the situation in New Zealand isn’t nearly as bad as in some other regions of the world, there are a couple of tips that you should adhere to in order to improve your overall entrepreneurial experience.

1. Lead by Example

Keep in mind that by being an entrepreneur, you’ll have to learn how to command respect. The simplest way to achieve it is to lead by example. You need to be the first one to arrive at the workplace and the last one to leave. Also, you shouldn’t ask your staff to do anything that you alone would refuse to do. Of course, this is far from easy but being an entrepreneur (let alone female millennial entrepreneur) was never supposed to be easy, to begin with. So, don’t be afraid to fully commit to your enterprise.

2. Running an Online Business Gives You More Options

The next thing worth keeping in mind is the fact that starting an online business allows you to compete in a more leveled ground. Managing an offline team may be less efficient but it’s also more fair and unbiased. In a lot of cases, working with a remote team via a collaboration tool will depersonalize you to a point where you’ll be seen just as a boss or as an employer. This can truly be seen as the pinnacle of equality in the workplace, even though some see it as dehumanizing.

3. Focusing on Your Primary Tasks

Sure, you may feel the need to prove that you can do it all on your own, however, by doing so you’ll just get burned out faster and find yourself in a scenario where you’re more likely to make a mistake. Not to mention that there are some tasks that you’re ill-prepared to handle on your own due to lack of experience or knowledge in this field. Therefore, some tasks like accounting are best left outsourced. Fortunately, nowadays it’s fairly easy to find highly skilled local assistance. For instance, if your company is located in Napier, you can find reliable accountants in Hawkes Bay. They’re best familiar with local regulations and will make sure your books are impeccable.

4. Avoid Fraternizing With Employees

Fraternization in the workplace is quite dangerous, especially for a female entrepreneur. Regardless of your gender, it can be a cause for accusations of bias and favoritism. Make no mistake, not all of these accusations will be unfair or untrue. Subconsciously, we let our emotions color the actions of others, which makes us perceive the same scenario from a different perspective, depending on the parties involved in the situation. Not to mention all the rumors that may sometimes arise from completely benign situations.

5. Be More Human

Just because you shouldn’t fraternize with employees this doesn’t mean that you should be cold, inaccessible or oriented solely on your job. After all, the ice-queen entrepreneur is one of the worst stereotypes that modern women have to deal with in the workplace. It is possible for you to command respect and be seen as human, caring and sensitive at the same time. Never lose this from sight.

The very last thing you need to take into consideration is the fact that all of the above-listed tips require quite the commitment. The majority of the suggestions listed above will require you to change your mindset or acquire new habits, both of which are incredibly hard. Still, regardless of your gender, age or region, being a leader and an entrepreneur tends to be one of the most challenging experiences there are. This is why it’s reserved for those who are the boldest and the most ambitious.

Diana Smith

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