Sometimes it feels like it’s impossible to stop missing someone. After all, that time you’ve spent with them, all the memories, emotions, feelings, experiences, etc. How to stop missing someone can seem like an impossible question to answer. However, there are many different strategies that you can employ to minimize those feelings of loss and to get your life back on track.
One of the most common things that people do when they’re trying to forget something (or someone, for that matter) is to try to block all associated feelings, thoughts, and memories of that thing/person. You probably already know this (especially if you’re reading this blog), but those sorts of tactics usually don’t help much at all. In fact, lots of the time they can actually make those memories/feelings/thoughts stronger than ever.
There’s lots of confusing advice out there regarding exactly what to do about missing someone. How can you possibly stop those seemingly never-ending thoughts? What about all of those feelings, that seem to come in waves, after those initial thoughts occur?
Don’t worry – this is exactly why we created this blog post. In order to help everyone out there scouring the web for tips and tricks on forgetting something (or someone), we compiled all of the best tips into this one blog post. Keep on reading to find out how to stop missing someone, and how to finally get those thoughts out of your head.
1. Be Like Water: Don’t Fight the Flow
One of the most underused, yet most useful tips? Don’t fight those feelings, thoughts, or emotions. This is a tactic stolen right out of some of the most well-known psychotherapists’ playbooks. Why fight those emotions?
Maybe you’ll be able to bury them in the short-term, but over time they will creep back up and will be even stronger than before. Not to mention, they will most likely morph into attitude changes, behavioral issues, etc., all of which are things that you certainly don’t want to deal with.
2. Understand What You’re Feeling
You need to realize that whatever you’re currently feeling is completely normal and natural. You shouldn’t fight them, but you also need to understand them as well. Lots of people live their day-to-day lives knowing that something doesn’t feel right, but they try their best to ignore those feelings (rather than identify them and face them). Suppressing your emotions will not do you any good at all, and is something that should almost always be avoided if possible.
So then, you understand that you need to identify and face these thoughts/emotions, but honestly who has the time? Everyone is busy nowadays, and it can be difficult to make time for dealing with your thoughts/emotions. However, this is one of the most important parts of the healing process. If you don’t make time for your healing, how do you expect to become healed? This will take effort, just like anything else in life.
Try to take some time out of your day to meditate, sit in silence, or just to let your thoughts and emotions naturally flow. Journaling during this time can also be an effective strategy. This type of tactic is usually best done in the morning, or just when you wake up. If you wait to do it until night, you might be too tired from that day’s activities to put any real effort into it.
3. Know That There’s a Deeper Meaning Behind Those Feelings
Once you actually learn to identify what you’re feeling, you need to realize that there is always a deeper meaning behind that feeling. For example, when you dream about someone, what does that dream signify? Or, when you can’t fall asleep because you can’t stop thinking about something/someone, that obviously represents something deep within your mind.
These feelings can represent both positive and negative feelings, it really depends on the context of those feelings and how they’re presented in your mind/life. Identifying the meanings behind your thoughts is the first step, the second step is understanding what those thoughts actually represent, and then dealing with those representations accordingly.
4. Talk About It and Communicate How You Feel
If you’re not talking about what you’re feeling, you’re really just keeping those feelings bottled up – and yes, they will explode at one point or another. In order to be a truly spiritually healthy being, you need to be openly communicating about what you’re feeling. Whether that’s communication with a friend, a psychic, or anyone, the important thing is establishing positive communication habits.
- Can Psychics Open New Doors for the Love Life? - May 15, 2020
- 4 Effective Tips to Stop Missing Someone - April 2, 2020