9 Ways To Organize Your House Renovation



Whether you have been settled in your home or own a new home and want renovations, congratulations to you for taking a step that many avoid because of the work involved, with the decision to renovate made, now is when the actual work begins. Unlike a remodel, renovations don’t tear down your home’s structure or its contemporary rooms. To renovate is to restore and bring the rooms back to life with new flooring, new cabinets, and other new fixtures. Renovating takes just as much planning and decision-making as any other house project to ensure that your vision comes to life. Here are nine ways to organize your house renovation projects:

1. Decide With Enough Time

Trying to carry on daily household activities can be a hassle during renovations. Therefore, if you can pinpoint a time when having renovations would be less disruptive to your family, and it works with your contractors, pick that time.

2. List Your Goals

Having a house renovations binder is a valuable tool when planning to make renovations to your home. List the work that you want to be completed in each room. Use your binder for pictures you’ve seen in magazines, swatches of paint, business cards of contractors, and other resources for your renovation project.

3. Decide on a Starting Point and Ending Point

If you live in a house with other family members, everyone will have a different opinion about where the renovations should start. Since the kitchen is usually the family gathering spot, that is often a starting spot so that you can get back to gathering there sooner.

4. Get Professional Help

Unless your family is extremely handy with reading designs, plumbing, carpentry, insulation, windows, saws, drills, and other tools and materials needed for renovations, getting professional help will get you through the process. If you don’t know any contractors personally, ask friends and family. Someone is bound to have a relationship with one who can then recommend electricians and other contractors.

5. Layout the Costs for Renovations

Unless this is your forever home, advice is to keep the costs of your renovations to 10 percent of your home’s value. The reason is that when you go to sell your home, you don’t want the upgrades you made to be wasted on an offer that matches the other homes in your neighborhood.

6. Be Prepared for Issues

No matter how well-planned your renovations are and how many contractors confirm what they can do, be prepared to arise once the contractor has started the work. It could be anything from mold behind a cabinet to an electrical problem, but something is bound to happen. If you understand that you may have to change plans in advance, there is no need to stress. Your contractors will work through whatever issues arise.

7. Figure Out Storage

If your renovated rooms are already decorated or furnished, you will have to put those items away while you remodel. You can purchase storage tubs for stacking room items and stashing them in another room. Or, if you have bifold closet doors, sliding storage bins will keep your house from appearing unsightly during the renovations.

8. Let Others Help Make Decisions

If your eight-year-old twin daughters want over-the-bed shelving instead of the up and down bookshelf you had in mind, you can save many arguments and stress by avoiding those small fights. They will sleep in that room for the next few years and will have to live with their choices. Renovating and allowing family members to be part of decision-makers will make everyone happy.

9. Be Patient

Renovations can be a testy time for families. Trust that your home will be more accessible, and the renovations will benefit your comfort. Take deep breaths and be patient through the process. Renovating takes just as much planning and decision-making as any other house project to ensure that your vision comes to life. Nine ways to organize your house renovations are to decide on a good time for your family, list your goals, and decide on a starting point and ending point. You also want to get professional help, lay out the costs for renovations, be prepared for issues, figure out storage, let others help make decisions, and be patient. The secret is to plan it out. Budget well, and ask for references. Read reviews and announce to your family that a significant change is happening soon. 


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