Tips for Traveling With Your Dog



Every dog owner planning a trip is bound to have thought about what it would be like to bring their friend along. Although this would slightly complicate the travel arrangements, there are also many benefits. For example, you wouldn’t need to organize for your dog to receive proper care while you’re away and you’d be able to spend more time with it and make your bond even stronger.

Still, in order to be able to reap all the benefits, you have to know what to do and how to behave if you’re traveling with your dog. So, if you’ve analyzed the situation carefully and realized that it was worth the effort, take a look at these tips, which should help both you and your four-legged friend make the most of the time spent together.

You Need a Crate

It’s understandable that you might feel uneasy about having to squeeze your dog into a crate, but it’s simply necessary, no matter what means of transport you choose. Focus on what is safer for everyone involved if your friend is kept safe and away from the driver and other passengers, for example. Let your dog run and get its exercise before putting it in the crate, so that it’s more likely to rest during the trip. Also, the crate should not contain anything that might hurt your companion, such as loose leashes and collars. Finally, gently put your dog into the crate instead of shoving it in. Keep your body language positive, so that your dog feels safe.

Traveling by Car

A dog safely traveling in a crate is less likely to cause a distraction to the driver and it’s also protected from injuries resulting from you having to brake suddenly. Don’t feed it while in motion, but use breaks to give it some small treats. Use the same opportunity to exercise your friend a bit more, so that it can stretch the legs. One of the most important things to remember is not to leave your dog in a parked car when it’s sunny outside. You can’t really keep the windows open fully for safety reasons, but you’ll create an oven inside the car and your dog will suffer greatly from dehydration, which may have horrible consequences.


You need to check the rules regarding pet travel with the airline and get all the papers, such as a health certificate, if necessary. Of course, your dog will have to be crated, and you shouldn’t wait until you enter the airport to put it in one. You don’t want the chaos and hassle in the airport building to make your dog nervous before the flight. If you’re traveling by plane to or from Australia, for example, consider getting some tested dog supplements in Australia, which can help relieve fear and anxiety, lower stress levels and reduce aggression, which can all because of the stress of flying. Finally, make sure your dog doesn’t eat a few hours before the trip to avoid starting the trip on a full stomach or bladder.

Meds and Other Tips

If your dog is receiving therapy, it’s vital you bring enough meds with you, since you can’t rely on finding the right medication at your destination. The fact you’re away from home doesn’t mean you should pause or stop treatment. When it comes to accommodation, if you’re staying in a hotel, make sure your dog is at its best behaviour, since you don’t want other guests to be disturbed by its barking. Take it for a long walk to get to know the area as soon as you arrive. That will allow it time to absorb all the smells, sounds, and sights so that it feels more relaxed during the stay.

Traveling with your dog is more challenging than leaving it behind, but the benefits outweigh the disadvantages since you’ll be able to spend time with your best friend and the bond between the two of you will become even more powerful. If you follow these tips, you’ll manage to avoid some problems that could ruin the whole experience and you’ll be able to have a great time together.

Diana Smith

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