Ultimate Guide to Staying Healthy During Pregnancy



So, you’ve found out you’re pregnant. Congratulations! After the initial excitement and joy, it’s time to relax and consider your lifestyle for the course of the next nine months. Of course, just because you’re expecting a baby doesn’t mean you have to ditch all the things and responsibilities you’ve had so far. But you should make your own and your baby’s health a priority. In that respect, make sure to consider the following healthy habits and practices that are bound to improve your well-being.

Follow a Balanced Diet

It’s true that some pregnant ladies have very unique and interesting food cravings during their pregnancy. Having said that, even if it’s fine to indulge these cravings from time to time, it’s crucial that you stick to a healthy and balanced diet for the most time. Basically, you have to avoid junk food, too much sugar, and saturated fats as much as possible. On the other hand, fill your plate with fruits and veggies, together with foods that are
rich in calcium and protein.

Visit Your Doctor Regularly

Doctor’s appointments are made for a reason. When you’re pregnant, you can’t afford to miss these appointments if you want to take good care of yourself and your growing child. What’s more, the doctor will answer all your questions and provide you with advice specifically catered to you. Not only can this help you maintain a healthy pregnancy throughout the course of nine months but it can also prevent unwarranted stress that can otherwise cause a lot of health issues.

Protect Your Child for Years to Come


What you decide to do in pregnancy can affect your child’s life and health in the future, too. For starters, it’s paramount that you refrain from consuming alcohol, tobacco, and drugs. These bad habits can affect the child’s health while still in the womb considerably. What’s more, certain practices can make a huge difference for future treatments. Stem cell research is one of those practices.

You can weigh
cord blood banking pros and cons in regard to private and public options for yourself. It’s important to mention that stem cells from the cord can be used to save a life even when your child is an adult. More and more parents-to-be decide to take this step in order to do everything they can on their end to improve available treatments for their kid throughout the kid’s life.

Commit to Regular Physical Activity

Obviously, hitting the gym hard every day and lifting heavy weights is not the type of exercise you should be doing while pregnant. However, resting all the time can also have huge negative consequences for your well-being.

It’s important to talk to your doctor on the matter so that you can craft
a healthy workout routine during your pregnancy. The more you move your body, the fewer issues you’ll have with back, neck, and joint pain. Physical activity is also a great way to prevent constipation as well as improve sleep patterns. Not to mention that keeping your body fit will actually speed up the recovery post-delivery.

Get Your Vitamins and Shots

Your doctor will recommend the best complex of vitamins you should take during pregnancy. Make sure not to skip taking them. Also, don’t try to introduce new vitamins and supplements to your routine before previously checking with your doctor whether they’re good for you and the baby. In general, folic acid and calcium are highly recommended as part of your prenatal health care.

What’s more, at the initial stages of pregnancy, you should carefully think about the shots you haven’t got. Discuss the best time to get these with the doctor so that you can minimize the risk of colds and flu. You may have been able to overcome these illnesses in the past with ease, but now you have your unborn child to think about, too.

The most important thing to maintain your good health and well-being is not to view yourself as someone who’s sick and needs resting all the time. Unless you’re bed-bound, your pregnancy shouldn’t stop you from enjoying life to the fullest. Go to work for as long as you can, meet up with friends and loved ones, go for walks, shop, take care of the chores, and simply stick to the established routine that works for you.


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