Why You Should Consider Getting a Prenup Before Your Wedding Day



You may have dreamed of your wedding day for years. Finally being able to commit to one person to share the rest of your life with is a big step. While you’re in love, that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t protect yourself financially in the future by having a prenup agreement. Here are a few reasons why you should think about writing up a prenup with your future spouse before your big wedding day.

If You Have More at Stake

Marriage should be treated like any other investment. You need to think about what tangible assets you bring to the table. If you’re bringing significantly more to the table, like a home you own, a significant amount in savings, or other liquid assets, then you should consider a prenup. This helps to ensure that if your marriage heads south, you’ll be legally entitled to getting your assets back rather than having to share them with your ex.

Many Marriages End in Divorce

While most people like to think that they are exempt from statistical evidence, that’s not always the case. At many points in time, the divorce rate in the United States has been as high as 50%. While the divorce rate is slowly declining, these are still not great odds for many people. Looking at this from an outside perspective, it makes total sense to talk with a
family law firm to have a prenup agreement written up to protect your financial future.

If You Earn Considerably More Money

All jobs are created differently and they come along with different pay levels. If you find that you’re bringing considerably more money each month to your home than your future spouse would be, then you should consider a prenup. This can help to show your contribution to the marriage and ensure that you get your fair share if divorce does happen. Without a prenup, everything is split evenly which may not be fair for you if you’re bringing more to the marriage in a financial sense.

It Hashes out Issues

One of the biggest reasons you should consider writing up a prenup is that it allows you to address many issues. These may be issues that you may haven’t considered up to this time. Considerations like if either of you will stop working if you have kids, what your investment funds will be put towards, and so forth. Although a prenup sounds daunting and negative, it often forces couples to have tough conversations before they commit to getting married. By hashing out these issues ahead of time, you’ll be less likely to have problems going into your marriage.

While you may not want to think about it, a prenup is a necessary part of any good marriage planning routine. This document helps to ensure that you and your intended spouse both understand what’s expected of each other, both financially and otherwise. Give some true thought to a prenuptial agreement before getting officially hitched to sort out any potential issues before your big day comes around.


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