4 Dating Tips for Someone Who’s Recently Divorced


Most people will do anything in life in order to prevent a divorce from happening. Some people don’t even like to order the word, “divorce.” Especially, when they’re already married. And despite the fact that no one ever goes into a marriage thinking that there’s even a remote possibility of a divorce, unfortunately, it happens. So assuming that you’re reading this and you yourself are divorced, you might be considering putting yourself on the market to date and meet someone new. This is why I decided to write a list of four dating tips for those who are recently divorced, with hopes that some of them will be useful for you in your journey towards the second part of your life. 

1. Take Some Time to Heal

Don’t rush into the dating scene, thinking that you’re ready, that it will be easy, and even if you aren’t looking for anything serious. You’ll end up causing someone pain, because you definitely won’t be ready for anything serious, or coequal to develop feelings for someone on a deeper level. And depending on how long your marriage lasted, the longer you might have to wait until you’ll be fully ready to date. Take some time to heal and recover from your past situation, because you need to be a whole and complete person before you put yourself on the market again to date. 

2. Know What You Want

I can’t say that are too many things that come from getting a divorce. But one thing that comes to mind, is the fact that you’ll likely have a better idea of what you want in a partner, what works for you, and what doesn’t in a relationship. So make sure that you know what you want before you even go on a first date. And I’m not talking about on a physical level. But more so, on a deeper level, including what things are most important for you to have in a partner.

3. Don’t Jump into a New Relationship Too Quickly

After a divorce, and having taken enough time to heal, you should put yourself on the market to date. But what you shouldn’t do, is jump into a new situation before you’re ready. Be cautious when going into new situations, so that you don’t settle for being with just anyone so that you’re not alone. You’re likely going to be used to having someone by your side, and someone to spend all of your time with. Therefore, it’s important to realize that just because you’re single and alone now, it doesn’t mean that you should settle for just anyone. Like I always say, it’s better to be alone, than with the wrong person. Be patient, and be proactive by keeping your eyes and your heart open towards finding a new love. But pace yourself, and wait for your best possible match.

4. Acknowledge Red Flags

One thing that’s imperative to realize is that marriage is different than being in a relationship. You’re likely used to being married, and one of the main things that you do when you’re married, is focus on the positive, on the things that you have with your partner, and on all of the good things. But when you’re in a relationship, and even more so, when you’re just dating someone, you should appreciate the positive things and qualities in another person, but you should also acknowledge red flags right away, instead of sweeping them under the rug. You need to acknowledge the negative things that you see right away, and before you develop deeper feelings for someone. 

Anne Cohen
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