I always wonder why some people feel like they can’t have everything that they want in life. I’m starting to think that the people who feel that way might also be the types of people who settle, don’t have a game plan, don’t work hard, or simply don’t go after what they really want in life. And maybe it’s those very same people who feel that they can’t get what they want who also lack hope and the belief that dreams can come true and that everything that they want can be a reality if they try.
Maybe it’s time to put it out there and for humble ol’ me to write this article and to spread the word that dreams can and will come true if you’re willing to make things happen for yourself in life. That we should go after what we really want, we should believe, pray, have hope, and never give up, even when things feel hopeless or challenging.
Change the way you think
We should always have big dreams in life, big hopes, and to view our dreams as goals. We shouldn’t have to settle for less than what we really want. We shouldn’t be in the type of relationship that’s one-sided where only one of our wants and needs get met, while the other person feels that they’re lacking things that make them feel happy and satisfied. It’s important to feel balance in a healthy relationship and in nearly every aspect of life. That is, if you truly want to feel predominately happy in your life and stably, rather than just for a moment, a day, week, or even a couple of years.
Many of us have this concept of always wanting more. But the problem with that concept is that we need to feel happy and appreciative of the things that we accomplish. And yes, even the small things. We need to feel proud of ourselves and not always feel the need to long for more than what will make us happy for the long term. Many people lack gratitude or appreciation for others and for themselves. As well, at times many people forget one thing that is truly imperative while on their path towards getting what they want in life, and that includes being in a healthy and loving relationship. That thing is, being proud of yourself throughout the journey and every step that you accomplish something and that you set out to achieve. Being proud of yourself is important not only at the finish line but at every small finish line towards getting what you really want in life.
Don’t settle for less than what you really want
When did settling become an option? What we need is to hit refresh and change our mentality. We should all be able to wake up every morning, be optimistic, and look forward to another day. And if we’re in a relationship, thrive in it, and feel happiness and gratitude with that special someone. We should feel whole, complete, and satisfied with our lives and our decisions. We need to feel that feeling of— My partner, my love, you are better than morning coffee. I love you. I appreciate what I have, and I’m so grateful to have you in my life that I can’t wait to show you by putting effort, love, and work into making us great, maintaining what we have, and creating a long-term positive vibe and state of bliss that will last for always.
Your goals should be big, not small enough to achieve, but big enough to strive for and to feel proud of yourself. And I must say, I truly feel that the reason some people never stop wanting more in life, is either because either they’re never satisfied or appreciative of what they have, they’re never happy, or they might be appreciative and happy, but they also might be the type of person who believes in always having goals and a reason to keep pushing forward. They’re proactive and they view life as a journey that ends when we’re gone from this world. They work hard for what they want and they also believe in maintaining those things with that very same amount of hard work (if not more) to keep them in a good and healthy manner. Achieving big goals and maintaining good things in life takes the will, hard work, and patience.
Some people enjoy being busy and challenging themselves. And those very same people will many times feel that they only deserve to feel proud of themselves or enjoy the good things in life once they achieve their goals. But whatever it is that makes people work towards getting what they want in life and towards attaining that happiness that they long for, and towards having the type lifestyle and relationships that they want, are the very same people who are going to have not only a bigger chance, but an actual chance at getting it all. You see, rather than being negative, pessimistic, or feeling hopeless and undeserving of having everything that they want in life, they’re working for it and they believe that anything is possible. We should all be this type of person because we’re all worth it, and we all deserve to feel good inside, to feel proud of ourselves, and to feel worthy of the best of the best in life, and in love.
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