How To Start Your Microblading Business



Microblading business is one of the most lucrative careers at the moment, and it’s no wonder people are even more interested in learning this skill in 2022. It offers so many benefits such as good income, flexible working hours, and a chance to be your own boss without making huge investments. For all of you who are interested in this career, here’s how to start your microblading business in 2022.

Make a Business Plan

Before you start looking for courses, you’ll need to think your idea through. Are you willing to commit? Do you have enough to invest? Is your area saturated with microblading artists? Do you plan to rent a chair in a salon or open up your own space?

These are just some of the things you need to think about before deciding to start your own microblading business. If you are someone who gives up easily, maybe this is not a career for you. Yes, it’s not that hard to complete a microblading course, but it requires hard work and constant learning to become a great microblading artist and stand out from the competition. 

Start a Microblading Course

In order to get your microblading certification, you’ll need to complete a certification course. You can get a live or an online course. It depends on whether you have reputable courses in your area or, if not, you can learn microblading online.

These courses usually take just a couple of months to complete and get certified and are suitable for complete beginners. 

Get a Microblading License

Once you become certified, you’ll need a microblading license. It’s usually issued by the state or local Health Department and requires you to meet some requirements. In most countries and states, getting a microblading license is not really hard, because microblading is not really properly regulated. 

Get Quality Supplies

Once you are done with the paperwork, you’ll need to equip your salon and invest in quality pigments and microblading tools, to make your work perfect. A reputable online shop PhiBrows Canada offers everything you need for a successful microblading business. 

You can use lower-quality pigments for practicing on latex, but make sure you work on real skin with only quality products, to make sure the retention and final results are great.

Set Up Your Price

Since you are a beginner you can’t expect to have high prices for your services. Lower prices are something that can definitely attract new clients but they shouldn’t be too low. If your services are drastically cheaper, it can be suspicious to the clients. They may think you are underqualified or use poor-quality products.

But How To Gain Experience in Microblading

Well, you’ll need to do a couple of microblading treatments for free or at promotional prices, just to cover up for the cost of the supplies. You need models to build your portfolio and collect photo material for advertisements. The best presentation of before and after microblading images are on Instagram so make sure your page looks appealing.

When it comes to a promotional price for models, you need to emphasize that it’s only for a certain period and for those who apply to be your models, because later, when you raise prices people can expect a discount for your services.


Once you’ve done enough microblading on models and you feel confident enough to take your first real clients, you’ll need to advertise your services. There are different ways to do so, and one of the slowest, but the most effective is word-of-mouth. But you can do that through a referral program and offer a discount for anyone who brings a new client. 

You can also advertise on social media but make sure your page has great photos and good and interesting captions. 

Google advertising is also one of the most effective.

Keep Practicing and Learning

In this business, there’s always room for improvement. That’s why it’s important to always learn new tips and tricks, practice in your free time and follow what popular and famous microblading artists do on their social media. Learn how they promote their business and copy great ideas, but add a creative touch to show that you are unique and different. 


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