In this article, we’ll share some tips and tricks to help your child face their fear of doctors and make the entire experience a lot easier for both you and your little one.
Tag: fear

Ways You Can Still Go to the Dentist Even if You’re Afraid
Here are ways you can still go to the dentist even if you’re afraid.

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic – Thoughts and Prayers
Much has happened, many losses, and now with coronavirus, many of us are simply in shock and living a completely different type of lifestyle than we ever thought we’d be living. Thoughts and prayers.

How to Help a Sick Loved One Deal With Their Fear of Hospitals
Stay informed of what’s needed to help your sick loved one if they have anxiety and fear of the hospital.

How to Mentally Prepare Yourself for Surgery
Some great ways to minimize stress and anxiety before surgery.

Coping With Social Anxiety, Fear, and Everyday Tasks
Don’t let your fear take over and run your life.

The Challenge of Approaching Someone and Making the First Move
Facing the fear of making that first move.

Why Your Will Should Be Bigger Than Your Fear
Listen to the latest talk on ACW!
How to fight being shy, having social anxiety, and fear when it comes to making the first move.

Walking on Eggshells in Relationships
Talk with kindness and keep the door to good communication open.

13 Facts About People with Commitment Phobia
Some things to look out for, and better yet, to avoid in a match.

Letting down Your Guard, and Being Open to Love
Shake off your fears, your wounds, and anything that has hurt you.

Are You Afraid to Fall in Love?
You have to risk getting hurt in order to fall in love.

The One Thing You Must Be Willing to Do on a First Date
Be willing to risk getting hurt.

Staying with Someone Who’s Emotionally Unavailable or Commitment Phobic
Sometimes, the fear of losing someone is bigger than the fear of commitment.

6 Reasons Online Dating Attracts Emotionally Unavailable People
One of the biggest reasons that online dating is toxic.

5 Dating Tips for the Shy Type
For the shy people that are afraid of going after what they want.

Go After What You Want
Don’t let your fears hold you back.

When You’re Dating Someone Who Doesn’t Like Labels
When people are afraid to commit.

Feeling Intimidated, Insecure, and Not Good Enough
For those that suffer from social anxiety, fear, and lack of confidence.

Be Fearless, and Go After What You Want
When we’re the ones holding ourselves back.