An article about intent and how the consequences of what you say and do will impact others.
Tag: intentions

Dating Advice – Why It’s Important to Follow Through With Your Intentions
Having good intentions is great, keeping them good is even greater.

Important Things to Look for in a Match
Here are some of the best ways to know that you’ve found a great match.

Passion Fruit for One Man
Love and passion should be mutual. Don’t let your love go to someone who doesn’t deserve it.

When You’re Dating Someone Who Pressures You to Be Intimate
The right person won’t pressure you.

Be a Good Person – Be Honest About Your Intentions
Be honest and direct from the get-go.

19 Ways to Tell That the Person You’re Dating Is Dating You for the Right or Wrong Reasons
Some great ways to know if someone’s intentions are pure or not.

Why I Don’t Believe in an Eye for an Eye
Why revenge isn’t the best method for finding peace.

Why You Should Find out Someone’s Intentions Before a First Date
The right person won’t shut you down for asking.

Why Couples Need to Be on the Same Page
And what happens when one person suddenly changes their mind.

Empty Intimacy, Fake Love, Rebounds, and Transitional Relationships
Make sure that you’re intentions are pure, and that you’re ready to date.

The Hook Up: When Forever Lasts a Week
Don’t make promises you can’t keep.

25 Ways to Know He Views You as Just a Hook Up
Don’t settle for being someone’s flavour of the week.

When Someone Isn’t Worthy of Your Love
Sometimes you need to take away your very essence.